Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hannah's Introduction

Hey y’all!

   My name is Hannah Haupricht and I’m a freshman at North Carolina State University. I’m always in a beach state of mind and I’m originally from Wilmington, NC. I am a Marine Sciences major and my project for this semester is writing a blog! I always hope to come across as a knowledgeable person with a dash of humor thrown in to my writing, because who actually enjoys reading something dry. I love animals and I am a pescatarian. I’m also a mama to a Chinese water dragon, a golden gecko, and a yellow belly slider (I kinda like reptiles). Animals are just one of my many passions I hope to be able to write about this semester. I am also a sister to Sara ( a graduate of NC State) and Alexis who is 9.
   My writing style is pretty straight forward. I’m not into super wordy posts. This probably comes from being a science major, but when I read an article I want to know the point fairly quickly and I hope to write the same way. I hope you enjoy our blog these next few months. I am looking forward to writing for you! Enjoy your stay in the heads of four college students from North Carolina.

“You can shake the sand from your flip flops but it will never leave your soul”

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